TW has a balancing function between the different organs and viscera. It participates in homeostasis, in the unity of the body and intervenes when the Cheng and Ko cycles of self-regulation are overwhelmed. Thermoregulation depends on the TW.
TW is connected to the sympathetic and parasympathetic system. The TW imbalance at the cranial level (points from 17 to 23TW) will affect the cardiopulmonary, solar and sacral plexuses – which are crossroads of sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres- i.e. the regulation of energy in the 3 Burners (Upper, Middle and Lower Burners). The correction is done between the cranial TW point which does not respond and the « frontal centre » located at the hairline. We would like to emphasise here the frequency of the 22TW (Ehreliao) point.
TW regulates the circulation of water (fluids) throughout the body. In venous and lymphatic circulatory problems (heavy legs, hard as posts, swelling of the lower or upper limbs in breast surgery, lymphoedema) this function is deficient. See photos 1 and 2 and the study of the TW – pathway of liquids on our site).

Photo 1
Photo 2
Moreover, because of its balancing function, the TW avoids overheating of the organs and viscera.
The TW is connected to the Extraordinary Channel Yang Wei Mai which is in resonance with the thyroid and parathyroid glands (the master point of the Yang Wei Mai is 5TW). When emotions turn into fire, the fire of the TX rises, causing, among other things, thyroid problems (hyper or hypothyroidism, nodules) or muscle spasms due to the disturbance of the parathyroid glands (cervical pains, lumbago, visceral spasms). This corresponds to the Shao Yang phase of the disease (TRW- GB – Yang Wei Mai axis). Several publications have been dedicated to this subject.