To look for disturbances in the energy system we « read » the body tissues that are in resonance with its various components. The energy system is reflected in the anatomy (bones, muscles, dermis..). A reading grid that links a given energetic function to a specific tissue area, has been developed after long palpating observations.
The key to reading is the interrogation of the tissues, i. e. the therapist studies their response to a stimulation (an impulse given by the therapist).
2 types of interrogation
(see chapter I : the energetic palpation)
- vertical interrogation
- horizontal interrogation
- An acupuncture point is called « open » if it responds to a vertical impulse on the surface (epidermis), whether the skin tissue is hard or distended. Our approach is indeed based on the notion of INFORMATION. The epidermis and the nervous system derive from the same embryological tissue, the ectoderm. This close relationship between the two structures remains after birth and their main function lies in the transmission of information, in COMMUNICATION.
In the reading grid, searches are most often made through a horizontal interrogation with an impulse directed transversely to the longitudinal axis of the body. To be interpreted, the possible blockage must only appear in this direction. (Reminder: a blocked tissue cannot be « crossed » by the therapist without resistance)
Let’s take the example of the control of the classic Back-Shu points, called Jing Bie Back-Shu points, in the dermis of the medial face of the knee (see picture1) : to be related to a disturbance in the Back-Shu points, the blockage in the dermis must disappear if the therapist changes the direction of the impulse as shown on pictures 2 and 3.

Tissue areas that are blocked whatever the direction given to the impulse cannot be interpreted according to the reading grid. Note that, if the therapist can mobilize a dermis area on the underlaying layer, the possible blockage will appear in only one direction, and vice versa.
The causes of blockages that appear in all directions are :
- either a structural problem: pathologies as, for instance, arthritis or arthrosis deformans, serious lymphoedema, adherent scar, alter the structure of the tissue
- or an energy disorder :
a) as for the dermis areas, the therapist will find mainly a disturbance in the Back-Shu points (Jing Bie or function), the Spleen chain or the traumatic centre and, specially for the cranial dermis, in the tendino-muscular channels
b) as for the epidermis (surface) areas, the blockage will be in the emotional chains of Du Mai, Stomach and Gall Bladder channels
c) as for the osseous level, the therapist will find a disturbance in the Front-Mu points (Jing Bie or function)
After correction, the possible blockage appears in one direction.