Organ energy controls
In this article, we come back to the palpatory controls that indicate a possible disturbance in the different organic functions.
These are:
1) the control of the movement of energy in an organ or in a viscera as described in chapter III of our book and in topic 3 on this site.
2) the control of a channel by interrogating the dermis facing the muscle of the lower limb which is in resonance with this channel, in a defined area.
These tests are realized by a HORIZONTAL interrogation in the DERMIS layer of the skin. The therapist studies the response of the tissue (the dermis, in this case) to an impulse, an energetic thrust of low amplitude that he/she exerts in this tissue. The therapist can then either « cross » the tissue or feel some resistance, a barrier that prevents him from doing so in case of blockage. We remind you that the therapist must be able to mobilize the dermis on the underlying tissue before interrogating it, and that the possible blockage appears in only 1 well-defined direction.
To illustrate our point, we will take as examples the Liver and the Kidneys.
the liver
The control of the energy movement of the Liver is done by interrogating the dermis with the palm of the hand, through an impulse directed cephalically and laterally at 45° (pictures 1 and 2).

The control of the Liver channel is done by interrogating the dermis, with the fingers laid flat, in the lower 1/3 of the lateral face of the leg (facing the fibula brevis muscle), in an upward or downward direction (photo 3). Note that the muscles in resonance with the channels are not located on their path.

The kidneys
The control of the energy movement of the Kidneys is done by interrogating the dermis with the palm of the hand at the level of the 12th rib, in an upward vertical direction (this direction is given by the « migration » of the kidney from the sacral region to the 12th rib during embryogenesis) (photo 4).

The control of the Kidney channel is done by interrogating the dermis, with the fingers laid flat on the plantar face of the foot, at the level of the 1st metatarsal (facing the flexor hallucis longus muscle), in an antero-posterior or postero-anterior direction (photo 5).

Controls for other organs and viscera are detailed in chapters II and III.
These tests indicate a possible disturbance of an energetic function but not its origin or how to correct it. The therapist will find this information in the reading grid.
They can be confirmed by other tests which will give the same result, namely
- the horizontal interrogation of the epidermis of the fingers’ phalanges in the longitudinal axis, which are in resonance with channels
- the palpation of the channel along their path by vertical surface interrogation
- the vertical and horizontal interrogation of the metacarpals which are in resonance with the 5 Elements
- the palpation of the muscles in relation to the 5 Elements
They are also detailed in chapters II and III.
These controls allow us to assess the effectiveness of the corrections made either by using our reading grid, or by a more traditional approach of acupuncture or even by another therapy (homeopathy, osteopathy…).
In chronic pathologies, not reversible (diabetes, renal failure…), a disturbance in these controls persists after treatment.