The Back-shu points (see chapter VII)
On the inner pathway of the Urinary Bladder channel, Jacques Pialoux (« Guide to Acupuncture and Moxibustion ») distinguishes the classic assent points of organs and viscera, called Jing Bie Back-Shu points, from the function Back-Shu points (great shuttle, wind gate, diaphragm, sea of energy…).
List of back-shu points of jing bie
- UB 13 (T3) -> LU
- UB 15 (T5) -> HT
- UB 18 (T9) -> LV
- UB 19 (T10) -> GB
- UB 20 (T11) -> SP
- UB 21 (T12) -> ST
- UB 22 (L1) -> TW
- UB 23 (L2) -> KD
- UB 25 (L4) -> LI
- UB 27 (S1) -> SI
- UB 28 (S2) -> UB
In our approach, the JING BIE BACK-SHU POINTS are used to facilitate the elimination of disturbing energies (Xie) coming from EXTERNAL causes (climatic aggressions, toxins, toxic products, infectious agents) that remain blocked on the surface of the organs and viscera.
Specific control

Several possible tests give the same result:
- epidermis crosswise interrogation of the lateral side of the 5th metatarsal base (see picture 1)

- dermis crosswise interrogation of the medial side of the knee (see picture 2)
- epidermis crosswise interrogation of the scapular spine, with the palm of hand (this test is the same one for the function Back-Shu points)

Determining the disturbed energetic function : it is done through a dermis crosswise interrogation of the radial groove, above the radial pulses (with the classic distribution of the different positions- Water, Wood…). This test is the same one for the function Back-Shu points (see picture 3).
Confirmation by the palpation of the related Jing Bie Back-Shu points.
Related to the Jing Bie level, the He-Sea point of the disturbed organ or viscera also is closed.

2 steps
a) the therapist puts one hand on the He-Sea point and, with the other hand, looks among the other Shu points (Jing, Ying, Shu…) of the same channel for the one that begins to open the He-Sea point.
b) the therapist keeps one hand down on the He-Sea point and covers the organ or viscera and the related anatomical areas (throat and nose for Lung, pancreas for Spleen, duodenum for Stomach and Gall Bladder..), with the other hand, to look for a zone that corresponds to the « imprint » of the disturbing agent on the organ or viscera ( the therapist then has the sensation of a « rope » between his/her two hands) ( see picture 4 : correction SP 9/ spleen)
After correction, the Back-Shu and He-Sea points are open again and the different tests are blockage free.