cephalic psychosomatic generator
see chapter IX
For the Extraordinary Channels, 3 therapeutic levels are to be considered :
- the Extraordinary Channels with their constituent points
- the master-points of the Extraordinary Channels
- the cephalic control points of the Extraordinary Channel
These 3 levels appear by the principle of resonance at the level of the hand.
These are the points of the cranial chain of the Gall Bladder channel, from GB 1 to GB 9 (“Ben Shen”, today GB 13).
The decoding is as follow:

- GB 1 --> liaison Ren Mai-Du Mai
- GB 2 --> Yin Wei Mai
- GB 3 --> Yin Qiao Mai
- GB 4 --> Yang Wei Mai
- GB 5 --> Chong Mai
- GB 6 --> Dai Mai
- GB 7 --> Yang Qiao Mai
- GB 8 --> Du Mai
- GB 9 --> Ren Mai
overall control
Several tests are possible; they give the same result. Among them, the horizontal crosswise (transverse) interrogation of the epidermis (surface) at the level of the sternoclavicular joint (picture 1).
The search for the disturbed Extraordinary Channel is done through a vertical interrogation of the head and the base of the last 4 metacarpal bones, at the osseous level (picture 2).On palpation, the corresponding point is closed.
The vertex centre allows to do an overall control of the 3 emotional chains of the Du Mai, Stomach and Gall Bladder channels, and the cephalic control points of the Extraordinary Channels (picture 4).

The most frequent blockages
- GB 4 point, related to the Yang Wei Mai which is in resonance with the thyroid and the parathyroid glands (→ thyroid problems, muscle spasms related to the parathyroid glands disturbance)
- GB 2 point, in relation to the Yin Wei Mai and the Pericardium (PC) (the master-point of the Yin Wei Mai is PC 6), that is often found closed in anxiety and in disturbances of the female genital tractus because the Yin Wei Mai is in resonance with the gonads.
- GB 1 point, Tong Zi Liao (see the topic dedicated to it)
- GB 8 point, in relation with the Du Mai