The GB1 point, Tong Zi Liao

The GB 1 point, TONG ZI LIAO, is an important point that we often use (we remind you that a point is used because the body is in demand and need at this level and not because we decide to do so).

GB 1 is located 0,5 cun to the outer canthus of the eye and is related to different therapeutic levels:

Picture 1 : vertical interrogation, at the osseous level, of the head

1) as a cephalic control point of Extraordinary Channels (see chapter IX, paragraph E), it is related to the central endocrine functions (hypophysis, hypothalamus, epiphysis). This point is often used for insomnia, poor memory, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, hormonal disruptions…

The specific control is done through a vertical interrogation, at the osseous level, of the head (see picture 1) and the base of the 5th metacarpal bone (M5). The head of M5 is related to the Du Mai cephalic control point (GB 8) and the base of M5 to the Ren Mai cephalic control point (GB 9, Ben Shen, actual GB 13). If the head AND the base of M5 do not respond, the Ren Mai – Du Mai liaison is disturbed. Confirmation by palpating GB 1(the point is closed – see chapter I: the energetic palpation).

The correction is made with one hand on the point, the other one looking for an area connected to the point, in the vertex region (top of the head) (see picture 2).

2) in relation to the Heart channel (see chapter XIII)

The GB – HT axis (in the horary cycle) is to be considered here on a spiritual level. The nine points of the Heart channel are related to the GB 1 to GB 9 (actual GB 13) points. In the disturbances of the center of the Heart channel (depression…), the Heart point determined by the crosswise interrogation of the dermis of the cubital groove (see picture 3, for example, the Metal position shown by the finger to the left, corresponds to the Metal point = HT 4) is often to be connected to the first points of the GB channel (GB 1, GB 2 or GB 3).

Picture 2 : The correction is made with one hand on the point, the other one looking for an area connected to the point, in the vertex region
Picture 3 : the Metal position shown by the finger to the left, corresponds to the Metal point = HT 4

3) as a local point, Tong Zi Liao is frequently used for eye problems (conjunctivitis, glaucoma, cataract, ophthalmic shingles…), temporal headaches, to clear the mind and calm its agitation (caused by external Wind, Liver and Gall Bladder fire…). Controls and correction in chapter XIV : the frontal centre.