The physical trauma
Overall control
The therapist interrogates the SURFACE (EPIDERMIS) all around the ankle with one finger placed crosswise on the extremity of the malleoli, another one just below (see picture 1). He (she) keeps one hand on the blocked area of the ankle, the other one goes down along the LATERAL SIDE of the body, on the surface. This second hand does not indicate the location of the traumatic blockage but its HEIGHT in the body. The therapist does not need to know the precise location of the blockage to correct it (picture 2 shows the correction of vertebra L3 blockage to the left).
The T4-T5 vertebral area is the mechanical centre of the vertebral column.

Specific control

The therapist can interrogate one half of the area to determine the side of the blockage. If this zone is free, he (she) will not find any TRAUMATIC blockage at the level of the vertebral column and lower limbs nor a disturbance of the occiput and sacrum energy movements, and vice versa.
The absence of blockage of the T4-T5 centre in a patient with spinal pain indicates that this pain is not due to a physical trauma, but rather to a disturbance of an energetic function (for example, Liver, Large Intestine, Parathyroid glands…) or a structural lesion (herniated disc, vertebral compression fracture…).
If the T4-T5 blockage persists after treatment, the therapist must be steered towards a problem of foot supports or visual asymmetry as well as bad dental occlusion.