La surface porte l'information
An acupuncture point is said to be “open” if it responds to a vertical interrogation on the surface, i.e. at the level of the epidermis (picture 1).

It is said to be “closed” if it does not respond. The surface is the support of the information.
In the case of a closed point, the information it carries is altered. The point is no longer on its correct frequency (for example, a closed SP 2 point – Fire point of the Spleen channel – has lost its Fire quality).
If we interrogate the surface of a closed point in clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation (pictures 2 and 3), we find resistance in both directions.

After the complete treatment with the reading grid that we propose, we can verify that all the points respond again and beyond that, it is the whole epidermis, the whole surface of the body that responds.
It should be noted that the nervous system, which carries sensory and motor information in the form of influxes, has the same embryological origin as the epidermis ( and that a close relationship persists between these 2 tissues after birth.
Xue, the acupuncture point, also has the meaning of a cave, a cavern in Chinese. We dare to make an analogy with the black holes at the center of galaxies, where the same principle applies. For cosmologists, the Universe is space-time itself, an elastic tissue – which can stretch or contract – whose geometry is deformed by the objects it contains (stars, planets..). Gravity is the curvature of space-time by the mass of these objects (Einstein).
Black holes have an intense gravitational field (they “swallow” all matter, including light, passing near them).

Physicists (Hawking, Susskind..) tell us that to know what “contains” a black hole, we just have to read the information encoded on its SURFACE (called event horizon, from which nothing can emerge). This 2-dimensional surface describes everything inside the black hole which is 3-dimensional. This is the holographic principle theorized by physicists Gerard’t Hooft, Leonard Susskind, Juan Maldacena… or other scientists as Karl Pribram, Régis Dutheil.