The energy movement of the cranial bones
As all tissues derived from the mesoderm (bones, muscles, dermis), the cranial bones are animated by rhythmic micromovements that have a frequency of 10 coming and going per minute – this is the Primary Respiratory Mechanism described in osteopathy.
The rhythm is slower for the mucous membranes of the organs derived from the endoderm.
The source of this energy movement, of this vital rhythm, are the energies of the Earlier (Pre-) Heaven (the manifested energies of the embryonic and foetal period) which are distributed by the Extraordinary Channels to the channels and throughout the body after birth. The organs related to the Earlier Heaven are the brain and all the marrow, the bones (with the uterus and the Gall bladder, they are called the Extraordinary Yang organs in the Chinese tradition).
To illustrate this study, we will take the example of the Temporal bone (see the complete study of the cranial bones in chapter II).

When « listening » as it is practiced in cranial osteopathy (photo 1), the therapist has the SENSATION that the Temporal bone makes an anterior rotation movement, the squamous moves laterally and the styloid process medially (photo 2), for 3 seconds, then the opposite movement during the next 3 seconds, and so on if the practitioner does not induce anything. This sensation is produced by AN ENERGY MOVEMENT WITHIN THE BONE RATHER THAN BY A MOVEMENT OF THE BONE IN THE 3 PLANES OF SPACE, IN RELATION TO THE OTHER BONES.

To verify that this energy flows correctly into the bone, rather than listening, we propose 2 faster and more reliable tests:
– a vertical interrogation at the osseous level of the Temporal (does the bone respond to a vertical thrust from surface to depth? this is possible for the other bones accessible to palpation) (photo 3)
– a vertical interrogation at the osseous level of the proximal phalanx (p1) of the index finger (photo 4). As Régis Blin has shown in L’ Hexagramme Tridimensionnel, the 14 phalanges of the fingers are in resonance with the 14 bones of the skull and face. In the case of energy stagnation within the temporal bone, p1 of the index finger does not respond.

These tests, however, do not give the ORIGIN, THE CAUSE of the energy stagnation in the cranial bone which the therapist will find in the exploration of the reading grid. It could be:
- traumatic (shock to the head, cranial compression during childbirth, orthodontic treatment…), the correction will be made from the traumatic centre of the ankle, on the lateral side of the head (see chapter XV about the physical trauma)
- related to an energy imbalance in the channels, the correction is then made from the other controls in the reading grid.
- 1) the relation Temporal bone – Kidney channel
The 14 phalanges of the fingers are also in resonance with the 14 channels (12 main channels + Ren Mai + Du Mai).
The proximal phalanx of the index finger is in relation with the Kidney channel. Palpatory observations have shown that if the Kidney channel is disturbed, the therapist feels a resistance when interrogating horizontally the phalanx on the surface, in its longitudinal axis (photo 5).
An energy stagnation in the Temporal bone (–> p1 of the index finger does not respond to the vertical interrogation) can be related to a disturbance of the Kidney channel (–> p1 of the index finger is then also blocked if interrogated horizontally) or not (–> p1 of the index finger is free if interrogated horizontally). We can also find a disturbance of the Kidney channel (p1 of the index finger blocked if interrogated horizontally) which is not expressed at the temporal bone level (p1 of the index finger responds to a vertical interrogation). We use the same method for the other bones of the head (with some particularities for the occiput and the sphenoid bones).
- 2) the mobility of the cranial bones is a controversial subject, including in osteopathic circles.
Various theories have emerged since W.G. Sutherland who conceptualized the cranial approach in osteopathy. For our part – and this only commits us – we do not agree with the biomechanical theory (H.I. Magoun, J.E. Upledger..), i.e. to the action of the reciprocal tension membranes, to the role of the dura mater in the transmission of the cranial movement to the sacrum, to the fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid, to the shape of the sutures which would explain the cranial mobility (see french osteopath Jacques Vigier Latour’ s articles about dura mater and CSF –
The therapists feel that « something » happens when they put their hands on the skull but this « something » is, from our point of view, an energy movement in the bones and not a movement of the bones in the 3 planes of space (except in the newborn). The absence of scientific proof of the mobility of the cranial bones is therefore not surprising. This energy movement, this vital rhythm can be observed in all tissues and not only in the skull or sacrum.