(see Chapter VII)
On the inner pathway of the Urinary Bladder channel, Jacques Pialoux distinguishes between classic Back-Shu points (called Jing Bie Back-Shu points) and function Back-Shu points.
In our approach, the Jing Bie Back-Shu points allow the elimination of external aggressions (climatic, toxic, infectious…) on the surface (Yang) of an organ or a viscera (see the complete study in chapter VII).
The function Back-Shu points allow to increase the Yin energy of the organs and viscera (concerns especially the organs) from the depth (Chong Mai).
The left thoracic center
The left thoracic center CENTER globally controls the following 3 therapeutic levels :
- the classic Front-Mu points
- the Jing Bie Back-Shu points
- the function Back-Shu points.
A blockage of this center indicates AT LEAST 1 disturbed level. The control of the center is done through a crosswise horizontal interrogation on the surface of the lateral side of the left hemi-thorax, at the level of the lower ribs, with the fingers laid flat (picture 1).

List of the Shu points of function
- UB 11 --> KD
- UB 12 --> LU
- UB 14 --> LV - PC
- UB 16 --> HT
- UB 17 --> SP
- (T8) --> ST
- UB 24 --> LI
- UB 26 --> SI
- UB 29 --> UB
- UB 30 --> GB
- (coccyx) --> TW
Specific controls

- transverse interrogation of the dermis of the inner face of the ankle (photo 2)

- transverse interrogation of the middle of the anterior wrist crease, on the surface (photo 3)

- transverse interrogation of the surface of the spine of the scapula with the palm of the hand (photo 4).
This control is the same that the one used for the Jing Bie Back-Shu points. These 3 tests give the same result.
Determination of the disturbed energy function:
It is done through a crosswise interrogation of the dermis of the radial groove above the radial pulses, respecting the traditional distribution of the Element positions (photo 5 shows the location of the Fire – Wood – Water positions from left to right).
This search is the same that the one used for the Jing Bie Back-Shu points.
The differentiation between organ and viscera is made by palpating their related function Back Shu point and Yuan-source point.
The correction is made from the Yuan-source point which is closed. 1 hand on the Yuan-source point, the other one first searches among the 5 Shu points of the same channel for the point connected to the Yuan-source point, which begins to open the Yuan-source point (the therapist has the sensation of a tight rope between both hands), then a zone on the organ (or viscera) connected to the Yuan-source point which opens completely (picture 6 shows the left LV 3 point correction in relation to the Liver).The function Back-Shu point is then open again.

We remind you that not finding a blockage in the left thoracic center does not mean that all the Back-Shu and Front-Mu points are open, but that if some are closed, the cause is to be found elsewhere in the reading grid.

Example: suppose a Liver Yang rising caused by excessive emotions, we can find on palpation a free Left thoracic center and the LV and GB Jing Bie Back-Shu points (UB 18 – UB 19) closed but the correction will be made in particular at the level of the emotional chains of the Du Mai, Stomach and Gall Bladder channels (see chapter VIII). The Back-Shu points will be opened again without touching them.