Following the example of Japanese medicine, we remind you of the importance of palpating points, channels and tissues of the human body in diagnosis and treatment. However, it is necessary to know HOW to palpate and WHERE to palpate.
The reading grid of the tissues is a set of manual controls which makes it possible to determine where the body is in need at a given moment (at the point of the examination), which is the disturbed energetic function(s) and at which level (the Five Shu points, Luo points, Back-Shu/ Front-Mu points, Extraordinary Channels, emotional chain of the Stomach, of the Gall bladder, chain of the Spleen, outrer pathway of the Bladder channel, teeth, physical traumatisms…). It is the body that shows where it is in demand and not the therapist who decides what it is good to do for the patient.
We will illustrate our point by studying a few CENTRES in the reading grid
Observations and palpatory research have enabled us to determine regions of the body called “centres” which are both ENTRY DOORS and CORRECTION AREAS. Each centre controls one or more energy levels.
In photo 1, the location of the centres and the therapeutic levels or energy functions they control. The control of the centres is done through a horizontal transversal interrogation on the surface (epidermis) with the last 4 fingers placed flat.
a) the Shu points of Jing Bie ( classic Shu points such as 13V, 15V, 18V…)
b) the function Back-Shu points (UB 11 UB 12, UB 14…)
c) the Jing Bie Front-Mu points of Jing Bie ( classic Front-Mu points)
The blockage of this centre indicates a disturbance in at least 1 of these 3 therapeutic levels, on the right or on the left. If there is no blockage in the centre, it means that this is not where the body is in demand, the therapist then moves on to control the next centre
If there is a blockage in this centre, specific controls determine first the therapeutic level that is disturbed and then, within this level, the energetic function (Liver, Spleen, Stomach…) to be treated. Each point having a particular energetic orientation (example: UB 13->LU, UB 15->HT, UB 18->LV…) it is easy to find the point to be corrected, which will moreover be closed (it does not answer a vertical interrogation on the surface). To make corrections, the general rule is to connect the point with the centre.

THE VERTEX CENTRE controls the 3 emotional chains of the Du Mai, Stomach and Gallbladder channels, as well as the cephalic control points of the Extraordinary Channels (from GB 1 to GB 9- current GB 13). The chains are located on the lower channels, at the level of the trunk and the head. On a chain, each point is related to an organ or a viscera, as the classic Back-Shu points of the inner pathway of the UB channel. A blockage of the centre indicates a disturbance in at least 1 emotional chain or in the cephalic control points of the Extraordinary Channels. The interrogation of the half-centre makes it possible to determine the laterality of the blockage.

Control of the vertex centre

Correction of ST 14

The point/organ correspondences were established by Jacques Pialoux (“Guide to Acupuncture and Moxibustion”, ed. Cornelius Celsus Foundation). The corrections that we propose based on his decodings confirm their accuracy.
In the reading grid, in addition to the centres, so-called complementary tests make it possible to control the other therapeutic levels.

The « window of the sky » points


The « Windows of the Sky » are a group of points which allow communication between the head and the trunk, in other words, between Heaven and Earth of the Human being.

They are an entry door for perverse energies of external origin, notably the Wind (GB 20, Fengchi, Wind Pool; DM 16, Fengfu, Wind Palace) but emotional tension can also close these points causing stagnation excess energy in the head (migraines, conjunctivitis, tinnitus…) or cervical blockages (torticollis).

The list of « Window of the Sky » points varies according to the authors, as the ancient texts do not mention them explicitly.

In practice, we distinguish 2 horizontal stripes:

– a superior stripe, at the base of the skull, therefore posterior, from the midline (DM 16) to the mastoid process of the temporal bone. Included in this band are DM 16, UB 10, GB 20, GB 12, TW 17 points.

– an inferior stripe, in the middle cervical region, more antero-lateral, including ST 9, LI 20, SI 16.

overall control

It indicates to the therapist whether at least 1 « Window of the Sky » point is closed. It is done through a transverse interrogation at the level of the dermis in the middle of the anterior flexion fold of the wrist (in the PC 7 area), on the left and on the right (photo 1).

Picture 1

research and correction

Complementary controls on the sternal manubrium determine the stripe concerned. The palpatory research and corrections are summarized in the diagram below (photo 2).

Illustration of The Window of the Sky Points


– On an osteo-articular level, the blockages in the superior stripe disturb the energy movement of the occiput (called Primary Respiratory Mechanism in osteopathy) with a repercussion on the T4-T5 mechanical center and on the proximal phalanx of the thumb which is in resonance with the occiput. Blockages in the inferior stripe, which is more anterior, do not disturb the T4-T5 mechanical center.

– In cervical blockages of traumatic origin (fall, shock, false movement), it is essential to investigate the « Window of the Sky » points.

GB 39, the hui meeting point of the marrow

GB 39, the hui meeting point of the marrow

The Gallbladder is part of the Extraordinary Yang organs with the Brain, Marrow, Bones, Blood Vessels and Uterus. These energetic structures are related to the Earlier Heaven. It is the Kidneys, the pillar of the Earlier Heaven, which mainly nourish the marrow.

GB 39 point, Xuan Zhong, is located one handbreadth above the top of the lateral malleolus. It is the Hui meeting point of the marrow and controls the brain (the Sea of Marrow). This point is particularly indicated in pathologies of the central nervous system (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, alzheimer’s disease…)

Overall control

Réunion des moelles du 39VB
Picture 1

It is done through a transverse interrogation on the surface in the lower quarter of the inner side of the leg (in the region of the SP 6 point). This tissue area is in resonance with the main function of the GB 39 point (it is to nourish the marrow) – an acupuncture point often has several functions – (picture 1).


It consists in connecting GB 39 point with SP 11 point, Ji Men (located 6 cuns above GB 10 point, Xue Hai) (photo 2). Thus Xuan Zhong allows the marrow to be re-fed from the Spleen, from the energy of the Later Heaven.

Note that when palpated, the skull which was tight, hard on the side of the closed GB 39 point , then « breathes » after correction and GB 39 point s open.

Picture 2

Specific control of the DM 20 point « BAI HUI »


The Liver is the major drainer of emotions of all types. An emotional overload can cause an energy stagnation in the Liver and secondarily in the Du Mai. Stronger emotions turn into fire.

The Pericardium and the Gallbladder intervene by putting a barrier, a protection to prevent the passage of fire, the Liver Yang to the Heart (see the study of the 3 emotional chains of the Du Mai, the Stomach – in which the fire into the Pericardium is discharged – and the Gallbladder in chapter VIII).

The DM 20 point, a fundamental point to balance the psychic Yang energy, connects us to the energy of Heaven but an important emotional fire closes this point.

In this study we propose a specific correction of the 20DM in relation to the PC channel. The one in relation with the GB channel will be published in a forthcoming article.  To test the point, the therapist places 3 fingers flat on the area of the 20DM (the palpation of the point must be large enough) and uses a vertical interrogation on the surface (epidermis).  If the point is closed, it does not respond to the impulse given by the therapist (picture 1).

Picture 1 : palpation of the DM 20 point

Overall control

Picture 2 : overall control on the middle third of the sternum body

This is done by a transversal interrogation of the epidermis at the level of the middle third of the sternum body (picture 2).

The therapist can interrogate one side then the other to determine the laterality of the blockage.        

Confirmation of the blockage in relation to the MC channel by transverse interrogation of the head of the 3rd metacarpal in the palm of the hand, on the surface (picture 3).

Picture 3 : confirmation by transversal interrogation of the 3rd metacarpal’s head


The therapist puts one hand on the 20DM point and, with the other one, searches for an area linked to this point in the PC 8 area (PC Fire point), on the median transverse fold, on the side blocked in the overall control (picture 4).

Picture 4 : correction of DM 20 point

After correction, the 20DM point is opened again. It allows to bring down the excess of Yang energy.

Depending on the nature (anger, fear, sadness.. ) of the emotions some points on the 3 emotional chains of the Du Mai,  the Stomach and the Gallbladder, close (see capter VIII).

Thymus and immunity

Thymus and immunity

The thymus, a lymphoid organ located behind the upper part of the sternum, is a key organ of immunity. It ensures the maturation of T lymphocytes which allow to fight against infectious agents and tumour cells. It has an determining role even after adolescence when its density gradually decreases.

Its role has been discussed in the study of the immune function of the Spleen.

The GB 9 point, Ben Shen, now GB 13, is the cephalic control point of the Ren Mai which is in resonance with the thymus.

However, in the control of the cephalic control points of the Extraordinary Channels, this point is rarely to correct (see the Extraordinary Channels on chapter IX). In this study we propose a specific control of thymus.

overall control

It is done through a horizontal transverse interrogation on the surface (epidermis) of the the sole of the forefoot (in the KD 1 point area), with 3 fingers placed flat (picture 1). 

Picture 1

Confirmation through a surface transverse interrogation of the dorsal face of the 5th metacarpal’s head (picture 2).

Picture 2

Search on the thymus

Using a palpation on surface, from the hand at the sole of the foot, the therapist, with the other one, searches for an area in the upper half of the sternum connected to the hand on the foot (picture 3).

Picture 3


The therapist keeps one hand on the sternum and, with the other one, looks for an area in the region of the GB 9 point (now GB 13) connected to the hand on the sternum (picture 4).

Picture 4


  • An energy dysfunction of the thymus is to be looked for in:
    – immune system deficiencies
    – cancers
    The aim of the correction is to stimulate the thymus immune function, but it does not replace the medical treatments currently used.
  • It is manifested by a disturbance of the PC and/or TW channels and a circulation blockage of the Ren Mai in the upper part of the sternum facing the thymus, which self-correct after GB 9 point’s correction.



The KD 1 point, Yong Quan is the lowest point of the body, it is the only one located at the sole of the foot.

It allows to be anchored to the earth, to take root.

The closed KD 1 point indicates there is a loss of contact with the earth. The person may experience difficulties

to live in the present, in the real. He/she cannot get out his thoughts, out of his imagination.

I - Overall control

It is made through a surface crosswise (transverse) interrogation of the greater wing of the Sphenoid (temple) (picture 1).

Picture 1

Confirmation by a surface transverse interrogation on the dorsal face of the distal interphalangeal of the middle  finger (picture 2).

Picture 2


Picture 3 : the transverse interrogation of the Fire-Wood-Water positions, from the left to the right

The loss contact with the earth can affect particularly one Element. The search is made through a transverse

interrogation of the ulna with three fingers above the radial pulses, respecting the traditional Elements’ positions (picture 3).

III - Correction

2 steps:

  • on the blocked side in the overall control, the therapist, through a vertical interrogation on the surface with 

the pulp of the index finger, searches for the zone that does not respond in the region of the KD 1 point.

  • from the hand on the KD 1 point, the therapist with the other one, looks for an area below the navel, in 

the Lower Burner (that corresponds to the Hara in the Japanese tradition and the Lower Dan Tian in the Daoist

tradition), connected to the point (picture 4). He/she has the sensation his two hands are linked by a rope. He/she 

waits only for its loosening which means that the body has integrated the information and that it corrects itself.

The KD 1 point is open again. 

Picture 4

The surface carries the information

La surface porte l'information

An acupuncture point is said to be “open” if it responds to a vertical interrogation on the surface, i.e. at the level of the epidermis (picture 1).

Picture 1

It is said to be “closed” if it does not respond. The surface is the support of the information.

In the case of a closed point, the information it carries is altered. The point is no longer on its correct frequency (for example, a closed SP 2 point – Fire point of the Spleen channel – has lost its Fire quality).

If we interrogate the surface of a closed point in clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation (pictures 2 and 3), we find resistance in both directions.

Picture 2
Picture 3

After the complete treatment with the reading grid that we propose, we can verify that all the points respond again and beyond that, it is the whole epidermis, the whole surface of the body that responds.

It should be noted that the nervous system, which carries sensory and motor information in the form of influxes, has the same embryological origin as the epidermis ( and that a close relationship persists between these 2 tissues after birth.

Xue, the acupuncture point, also has the meaning of a cave, a cavern in Chinese. We dare to make an analogy with the black holes at the center of galaxies, where the same principle applies. For cosmologists, the Universe is space-time itself, an elastic tissue – which can stretch or contract – whose geometry is deformed by the objects it contains (stars, planets..). Gravity is the curvature of space-time by the mass of these objects (Einstein).

Black holes have an intense gravitational field (they “swallow” all matter, including light, passing near them).

Picture 4

Physicists (Hawking, Susskind..) tell us that to know what “contains” a black hole, we just have to read the information encoded on its SURFACE (called event horizon, from which nothing can emerge). This 2-dimensional surface describes everything inside the black hole which is 3-dimensional. This is the holographic principle theorized by physicists Gerard’t Hooft, Leonard Susskind, Juan Maldacena… or other scientists as Karl Pribram, Régis Dutheil.

The triple warmer channel ant the pathway of liquids

The triple warmer channel and the pathway of liquids

The Triple Warmer has an irrigating function. It regulates the circulation of water (fluids) throughout the body and helps the Spleen to drain dampness.

This function is often disturbed in lymphatic circulatory diseases, venous insufficiency manifested by heaviness in the legs, oedema of lower and upper limbs..

Overall control

Among several possible, the transverse (crosswise) interrogation of the dermis on the base of the 3rd metatarsal bone (picture 1).

Picture 1


The therapist palpates through a surface vertical interrogation the TW points on the blocked side in the overall control and searches the point which does not respond (TW 1, TW 2, TW 3 points are frequent).

He/she puts one hand on this point and looks with the other one for an area located slightly above and to the left of the umbilicus linked to the point. This area corresponds to the cysterna chyli (a dilated sac which receives the lymphatic drainage in the abdomen) (picture 2).

Picture 2

The change in tissue is immediately noticeable .


Another TW function:

The Yang Wei Mai is related to the TW channel (its master point is TW 5). It is in resonance with the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Its disturbance, often emotional origin, causes thyroid disorders (nodules, hyper or hypothyroidism). The imbalance at the parathyroid glands level causes muscle spasms (torticollis, lumbago…). This corresponds to the phase III of disease (toxin deposition) related to the Shao Yang channel.